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Tragopogon porrifolius


Salsify, sometimes known as Oyster Plant because of its flavour, is grown for its root but also benefits from having attractive mauve flowers which are also edible.

A hardy biennial, that should be considered a long-term crop because it will be in the soil for at least 12 months. In the kitchen, Salsify is a versatile vegetable that can be roasted, mashed, sauteed, pureed or even eaten raw. If you are looking for something a little different to grow on the plot, why not give this veg a try?

Soil Preparation

Salsify is a straightforward crop to grow but good soil preparation is essential for the best results.

The growing site should be in a sunny position with organic material added well in advance of sowing, like most root crops, Salsify dislikes freshly manured soil.

The ground should be light, fertile, free-draining and stone free. Heavy clay soils are not ideal. If necessary, work plenty of sharp sand into the growing site.

Sowing & Planting

Salsify seed is notoriously short-lived, always use fresh seed.

Sowing can begin during early spring. Germination can be erratic, so delaying until soil temperatures improve can help. If possible, cover the soil with cloches.

Prepare the seedbed by removing any weed from the soil and rake level to a fine tilth.

Sowing should always be directly into growing position as Salsify dislike being transplanted.

Carefully take out a drill (shallow groove) and sow seed thinly. Cover seed to a depth of 1cm. Leave 30cm (12inches) between rows.

Water in well with a watering can with rose, try not to disturb the newly sown seed. Keep moist until seed has germinated.

Because of slow germination, intercropping with a quick-growing subject such as Radish is possible.

Growing & General Cultivation

When the Salsify seedlings are large enough to handle, thin out to about 10cm (4 inches) to enable roots to reach their full potential. Thinning can be carried out in two stages several weeks apart.

Keep growing area weed-free but take care not to damage roots when hoeing.

Regular watering will be required throughout the growing season to ensure the crop does not bolt and go to seed. Roots may also crack if allowed to dry out completely.

Feeding should not be necessary.

Pests & Diseases

Salsify is usual a trouble-free crop to grow.

White Blister is pretty well the only issue you may encounter. Plants develop white pustules on the underside of foliage with yellow marking on the upper sides. Foliage becomes distorted.

There are no chemical controls available to the home gardener. Ensure growing crops have sufficient room to grow and to improve air circulation.

Remove affected plants.


Harvesting can begin from autumn onwards.

Lift with a fork being careful not to damage any roots remaining in the soil. Salsify is very brittle. 

Roots can be left in the ground all winter and lifted as required.

Always use freshly lifted Salsify straight away as roots can quickly shrivel.

During the springtime, any roots left in the ground will produce foliage known as 'chards'. These are perfectly edible and can be used as an alternative to spring greens.

The flowers that are produced during the summer are also edible and make an excellent addition to salads.
