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Salad / Baby Leaf


Salad or baby leaf isn't really a crop in its own right, but a collection of veg types that are very quick and easy to grow. They act as an addition to salad staples such as lettuce, cucumber, celery and tomatoes.

They can be as simple, or complex, as you choose them to be. In many cases, they are just small lettuce types but can include items such as mizuna, oriental mustard, beet leaf or even ornamentals such as nasturtium. Quick and easy, great item to get kids gardening, why not give them a try.

Soil Preparation

The growing site should be in a sunny position with organic material added well in advance of planting out.

The ground should be light, fertile, free-draining but moisture-retentive and stone-free. Heavy clay soils are not ideal.

Some shade is acceptable in the height of summer.

A better alternative is to produce your salad leaf in pots or containers filled with compost. The size of the container is important, try and use a pot or container of at least 1-2 ltr as a minimum.

Sowing & Planting

The best method of producing salad and baby leaf is to sow individual seeds into compost-filled pots or containers.

Sowing can begin in January for most lettuce varieties and continue well into the autumn. For some types, it is possible to sow on a year-round basis given protection from a greenhouse or polytunnel. 

Sow little and often.

Growing & General Cultivation

Most salad leaf types are quick-growing and can quickly bolt, so pay close attention.

Keep well-watered during hot weather, lettuce will not appreciate drought conditions.

Any crop grown in pots will inevitably need more regular watering than soil-grown produce.

They are, however, pretty trouble-free and an easy crop to grow so great for kids or beginners.

Pests & Diseases

Salad and baby leaf are trouble-free in general.

If growing in the soil, slugs and snails will be an issue, for remedies - see the product directory, but not so much if growing in containers.

Aphids may be troublesome if produced in stressed conditions.


Cut fresh as required.

Regular harvesting will keep crops growing for longer.

Salad and baby leaf do not store for long, so always use freshly harvested.
