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Petroselinum crispum


Parsley, also known as common parsley, garden parsley and rock parsley, was grown as far back as ancient Greece and is from the Apiaceae family.

Parsley foliage is used as a flavouring or garnish in many dishes, both hot and cold, and is the main ingredient for parsley sauce.

Parsley is a biennial crop but is best grown as an annual, as in its second season will readily bolt and run to seed.

Soil Preparation

Parsley is at its happiest when grown in an open sunny position. It requires rich fertile, moisture-retentive and stone-free soil. 

Parsley will tolerate some shade.

Its main production period will be from summer, well into the autumn or early winter.

Sowing & Planting

Sow into modules under glass or in a propagator from March until late April. Avoid sowing into seed trays as parsley resents being disturbed and this avoids the pricking out stage.

Cover seed with compost or perlite and maintain a temperature of 15 - 20c.

Parsley seed can take up to 4-5 weeks to germinate so be patient.

When seedlings are large enough to handle, pot on into small pots or larger modules and gradually harden off.

During late spring/early summer, plant out at 30cm (12 inches) between the plants and rows. Plant firmly and water thoroughly.

Growing & General Cultivation

Keep well-watered during hot weather, parsley will not appreciate drought conditions. Mulch the crop to help retain moisture.

Ensure the crop is kept weed-free and take care when hoeing not to damage the developing roots.

As an alternative to growing in the soil, parsley makes an excellent subject for growing in pots and containers.

Pests & Diseases

Parsley is generally a pest and disease-free plant to grow, however, Slugs and Snails can be a problem for young plants.

For remedies - see the product directory.


Cut foliage as required.

The best and tastiest harvests will be in the first year of growth.

Parsley makes an excellent item for the freezer and freezing is the best method of preserving.

If growing in containers, move inside during the coldest parts of winter. This should allow continuous cropping throughout the winter period.

Parsley is well known for its antiseptic properties and chewing raw parsley is an excellent remedy against garlic breath.
