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Weather forecast3Knowing what the weather is going to be doing is essential for a home gardener. Will it rain? how hot or cold is it likely to be? will there be a frost tonight? Knowing exactly what to expect and allow for is a must.

GrowMad has put together a list of the best weather forecasting around, with our favourite recommendations. We've listed all the suppliers alphabetically on the left, with our recommendations to the right. 

Check them out - Grow On, You'd be Mad not to! 

Growmad Recommendations...

BBC Weather

BBC Weather

BBC Weather is the department of the BBC responsible for both the preparation and the broadcasting of weather forecasts.

Trusted weather forecasts from the nation's trusted weather forecasting channel.

Net Weather

Net Weather

Netweather radar showing the very latest rain, sleet and snow across the UK - updated every 5 minutes.

The weather type detection uses a combination of hi-resolution model data, along with ground observations to show whether rain, sleet, snow, hail or freezing rain is falling. It's an excellent guide, but bear in mind that in very localised situations some variation may occur.
