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Soil Warming CablesIf you are considering, or have the requirement for larger-scale propagating or seed sowing, why not consider constructing your own propagating bench by using soil warming cables. Soil Warming cables come in various lengths and are an excellent way of raising propagation area temperatures. GrowMad have put together a comprehensive list for you right here. We've listed all the suppliers alphabetically on the left, with our recommendations to the right.

Check them out - Grow On, You'd be Mad not to!

Growmad Recommendations...

Elixir Garden Supplies

Elixir Garden Supplies4

When working with a thermostat our cables can operate to a temperature of 16ºC – 40ºC.
Our soil warming cables come in a variety of sizes, ranging from 3m in length to 48m in length.
Ideal for the propagation of seeds in a cold frame, or on a greenhouse bench.
Our cables are water and moisture resistant.
Thermostats have a resolution of 0.1ºC and are accurate to ± 1ºC.

Two Wests

Two Wests4

Mains operated - operates off a 200/240-volt electricity supply.
Completely safe being fully insulated and sheathed with a braided metal earthing sleeve.

Use one of these electrical Soil Warming Cables to provide heat in propagating trays and benches, greenhouse borders, cold frames etc.



Soil warming cable in a variety of lengths.
Perfect for raised beds, cold frames and for propagating seeds and cuttings on a heated propagation bench.
Can be used with our Soil Warming Cable Thermostat.
