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download 5Using grow bags for producing your Potato crop couldn’t be easier. The great thing about potatoes is that they can be grown almost anywhere, even if space is limited like in an urban setting. Reusable potato grow bags are ideal for growing your own potatoes on a patio, balcony, greenhouse, polytunnel, or by the back door. No garden - No problem! GrowMad have gathered together a comprehensive list of Potato grow bag suppliers with our favourite recommendations.

Check them out - Grow On, You'd be Mad not to!

Growmad Recommendations...

JBA Seed Potatoes


This is an all new design with a new handle on the bottom of the bag for easy tipping out. The new bag also retains 90% more water than the old design.

These high quality potato planter bags are ideal for the keen gardener who is short on space or who wants to grow potatoes out of season on their patio or other suitable places.

Bloomling UK

esschert design potato planter 486865 en

This planter bag helps you grow your own potatoes, even on the balcony or on the terrace. The bag has a volume of 40.8 litres.

You will need about 40 litres of soil, 3 germinating potatoes and a warm, sunny place.

DT Brown

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Grow your own potatoes on your patio or balcony. Portable, easy to grow and easy to harvest. Plant 4 seed potatoes (use early or salad potato varieties) in multi-purpose compost in the inner pot and check on their progress by lifting up the inner pot out of the outer pot. The best results are achieved if the seed is “pre-sprouted” or “chitted” before planting. Pick new potatoes from the pot all season. 
