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Trace ElementsAll soils and composts on occasions will probably need the addition of something a little extra in the nutrient and mineral department. It might just be garden lime (calcium carbonate) to correct pH or maybe a deficiency in magnesium. Whatever your soil might be lacking, with the comprehensive list of Miscellaneous Nutrient & Minerals suppliers GrowMad has put together for you, you should always have perfect soils and compost. We've listed all the suppliers alphabetically on the left, with our recommendations to the right.

Check them out - Grow On, You'd be Mad not to!

Growmad Recommendations...

Garden Lime (Calcium Carbonate)

Garden Lime

Lime is an important source of calcium for plants and ensures strong growth and fruit and leaf quality. Liming garden soil neutralises the pH of the garden soil which reduces the occurrence of Clubroot. It encourages greener foliage improves nutrient uptake strengthening plant roots and stems and helps break down heavy soils. Lime is usually added in winter for annual crops before digging, enabling the lime to take effect before planting out. If Clubroot is a problem in your area it pays to be prepared!

Bone Meal 10 Kg

Bone Meal

Slow-release, organic source of phosphorous to promote strong root growth and the healthy establishment of plants. Ideal when planting trees and shrubs and for promoting strong healthy root growth in fruit, vegetables and other plants. Can be applied every 4-6 weeks throughout the growing season - from February to the end of October. 

Chelated Trace Element Mix

LS Systems

A wide range of chelated iron, other single metal and multiple micronutrient mixtures, including complex mixtures of six trace elements. Use as a root and foliar treatment for all plants to prevent and cure trace elements deficiencies.
