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Compost Heap2The composting process involves the decomposition of various types of organic material by various naturally occurring fungi and bacteria. Well constructed compost heaps will look after themselves but occasionally, you may find it beneficial to speed up the composting process. If your compost heap needs a helping hand, GrowMad has put together a comprehensive list of Compost Activator suppliers for you right here. We've listed all the suppliers alphabetically on the left, with our recommendations to the right.

Check them out - Grow On, You'd be Mad not to!


Growmad Recommendations...

Envii Compost Accelerator


Envii Compost Accelerator contains a carefully selected blend of nutrients, task-specific bacteria and other natural, organic ingredients. Together, these will work at heating your compost heap and breaking down the material. The result, is rich, organic compost in as little as 3 weeks!

Gardening Naturally

Gardening Naturally5

Accelerate the natural compost cycle to six weeks with this highly effective compost accelerator. Seaweed Extract is widely known as one of the best soil enhancements. Its vast array of micronutrients and minerals are incredibly effective at stimulating natural bacteria, meanwhile, seaweed's range of surfactants (wetting agents) helps to retain moisture within the soil.

Miracle-Gro Compost Maker

MiracleGro Compost Maker4

Use Miracle-Gro® Compost Maker to make a rich, dark, nutrient-rich compost, when recycling garden and kitchen plants waste materials such as grass cuttings, vegetable matter, eggshells, weeds, leaves, shredded stems and other woody materials. 

Original Organics


Original Organics is a brand operated by GM8 Group Ltd. GM8 Group Ltd was established in June 2018 with the mission of bringing together a variety of brands and products that encourage more people to embrace sustainable living by helping them reduce their environmental impact.


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Compost accelerator with organic nutrients for making compost quickly. Vitax Compost Maker helps make organic compost from garden and household waste. Use compost maker as an additive to grass cuttings, shrub and hedge trimmings and kitchen waste to speed up the breakdown of materials. Results in a friable, fertile and rich organic compost.
