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Isle of Wight 2021 36 02Biodiversity is all about creating a balanced natural environment incorporating both flora and fauna, whilst minimising human interference. Boosting insect populations in your garden will help you achieve biodiversity utopia.

Why not check out the extensive range of bug hotels and retreats that GrowMad has researched for you.  

We've listed all the suppliers alphabetically on the left, with our recommendations to the right.

Growmad Recommendations...


Crocus 7

Encourage a menagerie of beneficial insects to take up residence in the garden with this multi-chamber insect hotel.

Made from sustainable timber with a low-VOC painted roof, it includes a slotted section for butterflies and moths, drilled wood and bamboo tubes for friendly solitary bees, pine cones for ladybirds, and a chamber to fill with leaf litter in autumn to invite in lacewings and hoverflies. The ladybird and lacewing sections are covered with a 6mm metal mesh to prevent access by harlequin ladybirds, who tend to predate on native species.

Woodside Products

Woodside Products

The Woodside Wooden Insect and Bee House is the top-selling insect house, high quality and long-lasting, find out and see why these sell out at a rapid pace! It encourages bee and other insects to live and nest in your garden, with tubular tunnels for nesting bees and an assortment of nesting options for other insects.

Vivara Pro Corsica Insect Hotel


The different floors of this Insect shelter for a variety of insect species. The tubes at the top are designed for solitary bees, such as Red Mason Bees, to lay their eggs. There is also a floor with vertical slots to encourage butterflies, a section that has openings for ladybirds and lacewings.
